Tuesday Sep 10, 2024

Ep. 05 From Trash Cans to Beach Walks: Grace

Have you ever been caught in a lie? Or promised to do something you didn't? 

Regret has a way of shaming us, leading us to think we've messed up too much. 

Grace is for those moments you were certain you'd have the courage to speak up, but didn't. Grace paves a different path for times you walked away in silence, knowing you should have stayed to work it through. Grace is for those flashbacks of saying out loud or tweeting what you wished you hadn't. Grace navigates forgiveness to new purpose.

Today's episode takes us from the trash can in a boy's room to the beach remembering a friend's broken promises. In both, Jesus offered a restored connection and a new purpose rooted in His ability over their own.

Listen in to a boy's confession. Take the walk of pardon with Jesus and Peter in John 21. Welcome the transformative power of grace, not only to forgive but also to lead you to a renewed purpose in life.

Ready to grace this life? Listen in.


Grace Quotes from Jennifer Sakata:

Grace doesn't leave us where it found us.  Grace propels us forward, empowering us to make different choices and build stronger character for God's glory and for our good.  

Grace offers us what Jesus offered Peter, a divine do-over that's rooted not in our resolve or our ability, but in His.  

Instead of pretending we're better than we are or shaming us for worse than we are, Jesus shares the work he came to do with humans like us who don't earn the right.


Key Scripture:

If anyone is in Christ. The new creation has come. The old has gone. The new is here. 2 Corinthians 5:17, NLT


Show Notes: jennifersakata.com/living-the-grace-life/

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