Living the Grace Life

Welcome to the corner of real grace for your real life. Join Jennifer Sakata and special guests to navigate forgiveness, belonging, and empowerment as faithful expressions of God’s generous grace.  But what is God’s grace? What is it not? What does grace look and sound like amid a busy and full-plated life? Through stories, authentic conversations, and biblical teaching, Jennifer helps bridge the gap between what we think about grace and how we live through it. Each episode helps shift our understanding of grace from a Sunday morning concept to an everyday lived experience. God’s grace is that forward movement that restores connection and rebuilds relationships. Living the Grace Life is a solo and interview podcast committed to transformation, helping you replace the overwhelm of doing more and living less with a slower pace that nurtures God’s real grace in your real life.  Grace for you. Grace for them. Listen in now and let’s grace this life! Connect with Jennifer at

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Tuesday Nov 12, 2024

Does December overwhelm you? Does it get more chaotic than quiet, leaving you exhausted and desperate for December 26th? It’s barely mid-November, and twinkle lights and brown paper packages tied up with string are bursting at the seams of every store entrance and online business. It’s unavoidable. December’s glitter is upon us.
In this episode of 'Living the Grace Life,' host Jennifer Sakata discusses the overwhelming nature of December and encourages listeners to prepare for a different, quieter Christmas. Jennifer shares her personal experience from last year’s simplified Christmas, highlighting its positive impact on her family.
She discusses how to embrace a more peaceful and meaningful December by streamlining holiday preparations and focusing on the Christ of Christmas. Jennifer introduces resources like devotionals designed for families and women to help slow down during Advent. Jennifer also announces her free devotional ebook and mentions a limited-time Holiday Bundle deal.
The episode invites listeners to put aside the chaos and embrace a meaningful and serene holiday season.  
Grace Quotes from Jennifer Sakata:
"Like grace, serenity is sometimes hard to come by. We must be willing to lay aside our old way of doing things to walk into a new way."
"Had we missed Christmas in my commitment to quiet us down?"
"Mom, it was better. We weren’t in such a hurry the whole time.  It was just…better.”
Resources mentioned:
Jennifer Sakata's devotional Make Room for the Quieter Voices of Christmas
Holiday Helper Bundle **Only available as a bundle from November 11-18, 2024
Complete show notes here
Connect with Jennifer:
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Tuesday Nov 05, 2024

Have you ever felt betrayed by God? Or wondered if God was mad at you? The hardships of life can make us feel abandoned and left alone to deal with unexpected circumstances, painful realities, and deepening heartache. God, I didn't sign up for this!
In this episode of Living the Grace Life Podcast, host Jennifer Sakata engages in a profound conversation with Sarah Frazer, author of 'I Didn't Sign Up for This: How to Rest in God's Goodness When Your Story Shifts.'   
Sarah shares her journey, filled with challenging 'story shifts,' including adopting an unexpectedly special needs child in a foreign country and a vastly different life plan than she and her husband had envisioned.
Questions you will hear addressed:
What do you do when God writes a plot twist into your story?
Can a sovereign God also be good?
What do you do when life's hard bruises and hurts your heart?
Is it okay to "feel all the feels" with God?
What does it look like for God to become our dwelling place, even in the hard?
They discuss grappling with anger towards God, finding solace in His sovereignty, and the transformative power of Jesus amidst suffering.
Sarah provides practical advice on enduring hardship with faith, incorporating prayer into daily life, and the importance of scripture in understanding God's unwavering presence. The episode offers rich insights into how heartache can lead to a deeper relationship with God, intertwining personal stories with theological truth.
Listen in on any podcasting platform.
Grace Quotes from Sarah Frazer:
"It was as if the Holy Spirit said to me: 'I can handle you being angry with me. Now we can start the work.' I had to admit to God I was angry before moving further."
"Heartache is what sometimes brings healing."
"I didn't sign up for this. I needed to wrestle with how God could be in control and also good. Those two things seemed in contradiction, but they work perfectly together."
Key Scripture from our conversation:
"Lord, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations." Psalm 90:1
Resources mentioned:
Sarah Frazer's website
I Didn't Sign Up for This book
Let's Read the Bible Discipleship Program affiliate link here
Sarah Frazer on Instagram
Complete show notes here
Connect with Jennifer:
Website | Instagram | Facebook

Monday Oct 28, 2024

Does gratitude in everyday life come easily for you? What about when life is hard and life-altering events like COVID-19 come crashing through your calendar?
In this episode of 'Living the Grace Life,' host Jennifer Sakata introduces the concept of 'Thanks Living.' This family tradition merges gratitude with the Thanksgiving spirit by creating a daily gratitude calendar in November using Halloween candy, encouraging family members to express unique and specific thanks.
The episode discusses the brain science behind gratitude and its mental and physical health benefits, emphasizing how to sustain this gratitude throughout the year.
Drawing inspiration from Philippians 4:8, Jennifer shares practical tips such as:
taking 'thank you God walks'
rewriting Psalm 136
engaging in a Gratitude Challenge
Listen in for actionable steps to cultivate gratitude in your everyday life.
Grace Quotes from Jennifer Sakata:
"Gratitude is a natural outflow of living with eyes wide open for all the places God is present."
"Gratitude grounds us in the goodness of God who is with us - always."
"Gratitude impacts our brains and how we live."
Key Scripture from our conversation:
"And now dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise." Philippians 4:8
Resources mentioned:
Articles on neuroplasticity and gratitude: Cleveland Clinic Research and Feeling Thankful Shapes Our Brains
IG post on ThanksLiving Calendars
Jennifer Dukes Lee's IG post on Thank You God Walks
Amber Cullum's Free Gratitude Practice
Twyla Franz' Begin-Within Gratitude Series Giveaway
Twyla Franz' #ReflectJesus Gratitude Challenge
Related Episodes:
ThanksLiving! God is Not Stingy, featuring Jennifer Sakata
Complete show notes here
Connect with Jennifer:
Website | Instagram | Facebook

Tuesday Oct 22, 2024

Do you remember your favorite Halloween costume?
There's merriment in impersonating someone or something else. Until that clever costume leads you to a costume party you thought you were invited to but weren't. Dressing up isn't fun when all the meanness of the world comes crashing down on your vulnerable heart and you feel naked despite being creatively dressed. Maybe it’s a strained relationship and those harsh words play on repeat in your mind. Or perhaps you were dismissed by someone who should have been paying attention but was more into themselves. 
In this episode of Living the Grace Life, host Jennifer Sakata explores the concept of growing in grace through Colossians 3:10. Jennifer shares a personal story about a childhood Halloween experience to illustrate the journey from living a life marked by old habits to embracing a new life in Christ.
The episode emphasizes taking off old ways of self-importance and putting on virtues such as mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. 
Jennifer guides listeners through a prayer based on Colossians 3:10 for grace to embody these attributes and challenges listeners to extend forgiveness and love, as exemplified by seeing an old acquaintance in a new light. 
Colossians 3:13 Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others. Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together with perfect harmony. And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body you are called to live in peace. And always be thankful.
Colossians 3:10 Prayer, Personalized
Lord, thank you for choosing me to be your holy person, set apart and loved, not because I'm great but because You are. Thank you for this life I have in Jesus.
You know how often I clothe myself with words and behaviors that hurt people and distance myself from you. Forgive me Lord, when I put on anger and mean behaviors, when my mouth spew words meant to cut down and secretly belittle. Lord, that is not who You’ve made me.
When I'm stuck in old life ways, clothe me with tender-hearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Help me make allowance for others' faults, and forgive anyone who offends me. Help me remember that You Lord forgave me, so I must forgive others.
Clothe me with love, Your love, which binds me to those around me with perfect harmony. And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in my heart. I come as a member of Your body and I want to live in peace. And to be thankful.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Listen to Colossians 3 here
Complete show notes here
Connect with Jennifer:
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Tuesday Oct 15, 2024

"What parts of your story would you prefer to keep hidden?"
My guest today poses this probing question as the starting point for embracing our woundedness on the way to wholeness. Why would anyone risk such exposure? Because rather than love us despite our brokenness, God bends low and welcomes us amid our weakness. 
Russell Joyce was born with a rare craniofacial disorder called Goldenhar syndrome, where the left side of his face was underdeveloped. Multiple surgeries marked Russell with scars that went deeper than the procedures themselves. Following an intimate moment with his then-fiance Anna, Russell began the arduous road of identifying his deepest wound and living with the conviction that the Lord desires to meet us in our woundedness.
In this episode of 'Living the Grace Life' with Jennifer Sakata, guest Russell Joyce shares his profound journey of embracing scars and experiencing wholeness through woundedness. In his book, His Face Like Mine: Finding God's Love in Our Wounds, Russell reminds his readers that Jesus went first. Hope lives in the scars of Jesus and what He's done.
In our conversation, you will hear:
The three movements of grace in Russell's book His Face Like Mine:
truthfulness around our woundedness
grace as God's Presence and welcome
scars as an invitation to live the grace life
Russell is the director of Four Square Multiply, the church planting movement of the Foursquare denomination. He also serves as lead pastor of Faith Center in Eugene, Oregon with his wife Anna and their two sons.
Tune in to hear how God's love unfolds in the depths of our brokenness and how embracing our woundedness is the transformative journey of grace toward wholeness.
Grace Quotes from Russell Joyce:
"It's in the depth of our deepest woundedness that God is most clearly revealed."
"In this house, we don't take a sip of grace. We pour our entire souls into that cup of life."
"On the cross, we realize there's no part of the human condition too ugly for the lips of Christ."
"The most important thing that the church can offer the world is the courage to boast in our scars, to hold up what were previously embarrassing wounds that have been healed for a watching world that is still dying in its own woundedness, afraid to show its own wounds and say, 'Hey, look what Jesus did in me.'" 
Key Scripture from our conversation:
"Each time he said, 'My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.' So now I am glad to boast about my weakness, so that the power of Christ can work through me. That's why I take pleasure in my weaknesses, and in the insults, hardships, persecutions, and troubles that I suffer for Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong." 2 Corinthians 12:9-10
Resources mentioned:
Russell Joyce's website
Same Jesus Podcast with Russell Joyce and AJ Swoboda
Russell Joyce on Instagram
Information about Grief Journaling here
Complete show notes here
Connect with Jennifer:
Website | Instagram | Facebook

Tuesday Oct 08, 2024

Do you have an inner bully? Are you the hardest on yourself, rehearsing all the ways you've messed up and fall short?
In this episode of 'Living the Grace Life,' host Jennifer Sakata welcomes Carol Feil, a seasoned writer, speaker, and self-described cheerleader of women. Make the journey from condemnation to compassion and from a transactional culture to the grace of the Father. Carol discusses the impact of uninvited negative thoughts and the need to replace lies with the truth of being seen, known, and loved by God.
Referencing her iconic yellow boots, Carol illustrates how grace can be integrated into daily life.
In our conversation, you'll hear how to:
reframe lies that have played on repeat 
combat the inner bully with scripture
journey from living in a soundbite culture to depth with Jesus
replace life's overwhelming expectations with realistic ones
stack habits
nurture the Truth of how God sees you
welcome a community of supporters as a place to absorb what's true
Grab your yellow boots and tune in for an inspiring conversation filled with wisdom and practical advice for living a grace-filled life.
Quotes from Carol Feil:
Because I haven't asked the [lies] to play, I can choose whether they stay or get replaced with the Truth.
There has to be so much truth coming in that the lies stand out.
We have the opportunity to consciously and carefully pay attention to what we clothe ourselves in.
Key Scriptures mentioned:
I will be glad and rejoice in your unfailing love, for you have seen my troubles, and you care about the anguish of my soul. Psalm 31:7
So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. Romans 8:1
Resources Mentioned:
Carol Feil's Scripture and Prayer FREEBIE
Carol on Instagram and Facebook
Complete show notes here
Related Episodes:
Ep. 04 Grace Prayer | Your Real Self Through God's Eyes
Connect with Jennifer:
Website | Instagram | Facebook

Tuesday Oct 01, 2024

Are you overwhelmed by "running the roads," rushing from one event to another and feeling increasingly depleted no matter how hard you try to slow it down? The crush of hustle culture costs more than we think and doesn't disappear just because we want it to.
But there is hope. 
In today's episode, Jodi H. Grubbs describes the life-altering impact the pace of her life was having on her body and the wake-up call she received from her doctor. With insight and wisdom, Jodi leads us from running the roads of hustle culture to sustainable soul-care rhythms that slow our pace and make space for God, one another, and even for ourselves.
From Jodi's book, Live Slowly: A Gentle Invitation to Exhale, "Just like the transformation of a piece of sea glass, slower living is this invitation to reframe our heartache as we take our tossed-about lives and recalibrate our pace into a more manageable and delightful one." 
In our conversation, you will hear:
the right you have to a slower pace
the impact of a forced slowdown as Jodi grieved her first husband's death
18 Slow Living Shifts that lead to transformation with a more present posture
the distinction between self-care and soul-care
sustainable soul care rhythms including spiritual direction, breath prayers, and spiritual friendships 
God's grace for the "other" who deeply wounded us
Jodi speaks from a deep well of life with God and helps us tuck into those places where God wants to meet us.
Listen in as we slow the pace and welcome the transformation of grace.
Grace Quotes from Jodi H. Grubbs
"But then, to my utter surprise, I watched as Jesus turned to face and embrace this person who had hurt me. And he acknowledged and healed their pain as well."
"Soul care is a quieting of our souls and asking God: what are you showing me right now?" 
"Slow down and your passions that have been tucked in for too long will start to emerge."
Resources mentioned:
Jodi's Reflection Guide
Jodi H. Grubbs, Our Island in the City Podcast
Connect with Jodi on her Website, Instagram, Facebook
See full show notes here for Jodi's Book Benediction and Prayer
Connect with Jennifer:
Website | Instagram | Facebook

Tuesday Sep 24, 2024

What is your typical first response when things get hard or you disagree with those in authority over you?
There's no shame in reaching out to a friend, working things through in a coffee shop, or downloading to anyone who will listen.
But when we begin the conversation with God first, our middle and finish turn out very differently than when we push through on our own.
In this episode of Living the Grace Life, join host Jennifer Sakata as she discusses the importance of prayer first while partnering with the National See You at the Pole Movement. On the fourth Wednesday in September, students gather to pray for their peers, teachers, and nation. Using 1 Timothy 2:1 as a guiding scripture, Jennifer underscores the significance of prioritizing prayer.
She shares personal insights and observations on the urgency and power of praying first and provides a guided prayer session to foster a deeper, grace-filled connection with God. Listeners are encouraged to integrate this practice into their lives, trusting in God's authority and wisdom.
Grace for you. Grace for them.
Read 1 Timothy 2 here.
Connect with Jennifer Sakata:
Website | Instagram | Facebook

Tuesday Sep 17, 2024

Have you ever felt like grace isn't enough? Like you've messed up too much to begin again? Or that you're burning it at both ends and can't seem to push pause before everything falls to pieces?
We've all felt the regret of poor choices. We are wounded and wounding people as we repeat cycles we don't recognize we're in. But there's hope. Colossians 3 reminds us that grace becomes enough as we learn to take off empty practices and put on Christ-centered ones.
Amber Cullum, my guest today, grew up in a culturally Christian home and community where Jesus had little to do with everyday life. All that changed during her college years as she learned to filter her choices through her relationship with Jesus.
Host of Grace Enough podcast, Amber is wife and mom of three who talks the Bible and theology just as easily as she talks "poop rickets" and other kid shenanigans that make us all laugh. She is also a speaker who has nurtured the art of connecting with people through their hardships, passions, and faith in Jesus.
In our conversation, Amber shares stories about:
growing up in a Christian culture without Jesus
navigating Senior Year with an absent mother and a strained relationship
discovering the connection between communication and grace
developing rhythms of grace which include celebrating the Shabbat Meal, reading scripture, gratitude, and breath prayers
connecting practices to the person of Jesus
And not to be missed: Amber's expose on current teen slang.
Quotes from Amber Cullum:
When I think about grace being hard to come by, it's really been a lot in forgiving myself for the ways my critical spirit has hurt others. That is the opposite of grace. Once you know you are forgiven and experience that grace, you have to let go of things and move into freedom.
Discipline and habits are really hard to form. But lack of discipline and habits cause greater damage in the long run.
Our brain's default is to protect us. We defend ourselves against things that are happening to us and that lends itself to complaining. That's why gratitude has become a lifeline for me.
Key Scripture from our conversation:
Colossians 3:10 Put on your new nature, and be renewed as you learn to know your Creator and become like him.
Resources Mentioned:
Amber Cullum's website, including her FREE GRATITUDE PRACTICE
Family Teams with Jeremy Pryor's Book, Family Revision
Amber on Instagram and Facebook
Show Notes: here
Related Episodes:
Guest Episode with 21 Days of Gratitude, Day 14: ThanksLiving, God is Not Stingy
Connect with Jennifer:
Website | Instagram | Facebook

Tuesday Sep 10, 2024

Have you ever been caught in a lie? Or promised to do something you didn't? 
Regret has a way of shaming us, leading us to think we've messed up too much. 
Grace is for those moments you were certain you'd have the courage to speak up, but didn't. Grace paves a different path for times you walked away in silence, knowing you should have stayed to work it through. Grace is for those flashbacks of saying out loud or tweeting what you wished you hadn't. Grace navigates forgiveness to new purpose.
Today's episode takes us from the trash can in a boy's room to the beach remembering a friend's broken promises. In both, Jesus offered a restored connection and a new purpose rooted in His ability over their own.
Listen in to a boy's confession. Take the walk of pardon with Jesus and Peter in John 21. Welcome the transformative power of grace, not only to forgive but also to lead you to a renewed purpose in life.
Ready to grace this life? Listen in.
Grace Quotes from Jennifer Sakata:
Grace doesn't leave us where it found us.  Grace propels us forward, empowering us to make different choices and build stronger character for God's glory and for our good.  
Grace offers us what Jesus offered Peter, a divine do-over that's rooted not in our resolve or our ability, but in His.  
Instead of pretending we're better than we are or shaming us for worse than we are, Jesus shares the work he came to do with humans like us who don't earn the right.
Key Scripture:
If anyone is in Christ. The new creation has come. The old has gone. The new is here. 2 Corinthians 5:17, NLT
Show Notes:
Connect with Jennifer:
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